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Lots of Men are making mistakes in their Marriages, this is making life difficult for their wives and Children. We need to examine this and tutor all Men to behave better.
Here, I will be exposing 4 Mistakes of Many Men in Marriage:
1) SLAVE-WIFE MENTALITY: It’s not funny to know that lots of Men see women as slave, servants or something close to that.
They believe women are good for nothing but sex, baby making, house chores and cooking. They operate with that kind of mentality with their wives.
Many believe a wife should only be seen not heard, it’s really funny the way some men treats their wives.
Lots of African Men are fond of this, they put their extended family first, they even make their wives to slave for their extended family members.
Some beat or even divorce their wives because of their siblings. This is totally wrong. It’s madness to allow your family Members who are in their own Marriage to destroy yours, it’s high level of foolishness to allow your siblings to take over your marriage.
3) SPERM DONOR MENTALITY: Lots of men are more-or-less sperm donors in their marriages, apart from getting tingling their wives pregnant they have no other roles in Child bearing and rearing.
Whenever babies cries, It’s very common to hear men saying, come and carry your baby, don’t you hear your baby is crying?,most of the time only women attends Children parties in School,only mothers attend PTA meetings and many other events in School, Men thinks they are too busy to do that what a mistake?
4) CLASS TEACHER ATTITUDE: Lots of Men believes their wives have nothing to offer, they believe they are wiser, stronger and better than their wives. So they develop Class teacher mentality, whereby they are only ready to teach, lecture and tutor their wives.
To them their wives should not advise them. This is very wrong, God planted your wife into your life to complete you.