31st NIGHT OF PROPHECIES… – Prophet Nigel Gaisie. .Take A Read!
Hosea 12:13
The Lord used a Prophet to bring Israel out for Egypt, and by that Prophet they were protected”
Deuteronomy 18:18 NKJV
I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and
I will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him.
As we were ushered into the year 2023, Iwas inspired through dreams,
Visions, truce, prophetic Inspirations and promptings to see the following prophetic Statements for the benefit of 2023 / 2024 and the hours there of
May Isay that all these sayings, pronouncements, are divinely Inspired as anchored in Amos 3.7 Surely, the Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to this servants the Prophet.
Now, Prophecies for the Year 2024 THE PROPHECIES.
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- The year 2024, saith the Lord is going to be a good year globally.
In one of my visions concerning the year 2024, The Spirit of the Lord opened me up, And I saw green ripped fruits hanging in the skies, then
the Lord said. there will be prosperity, abundance in the Nations of the worlds, in the lives of individuals, companies and entities fairly.
It will be a good year than last year and two years.
- This year, Isaw a lot of women in need of fruit of the womb take seed. Isaw a lot of new born babies.
I saw a major discovery a cure for a deadly disease in the world of medicine . I saw China and America will champion this cause.
The Lord whisked me away, I saw New York flooding, I saw death, I saw… let’s pray for America.
I see a new deadly disease and I-see it from America
- An unexpected African country, will surprise Africa in the next coming Afcon.
The Lord put me into a deep sleep, in my sleep, I saw a West African President poisoned after several attempt. In my vision, Isaw an attempt executed again because, the vice wants to become President at all cost.
I saw a deputy Minister of Finance in a West African country with a flag
red, yellow, green, having a serious accident.
If he can take care of himself, get strong altars to support him, Isaw him at the highest seat of government but they want to crush him.
He should pray, he should take care of himself.
- I saw ants eating the NPP Flag.
The greater part of the Flag was eaten and it was beyond Repairs.
- Let’s pray for the President of Russia saith the Lord.
There’s going to be a revolution in the French West African countries.
I saw a coup d’état
- The Spirit of the Lord put me into a sleep. Islept and Iwoke up, then I found myself at the Independence Square of the Republic of Ghana. A lot of people seated, A lot of people seated, A lot of people seated.
Whiles looking, Isaw Presidential motorcade.
The motorcades were in bad shapes, infact 4 were terribly destroyed. This delayed the ceremony and Ihead a voice loud in my right ear thus,
the current regime has destroyed a lot of resources.
Neither the less, Isaw a man speak to me and said “regardless, the ceremony will go on”, and Isaw in the atmosphere, Green, White, Red and Black colors highly lifted but it won’t be easy because the Ingration delayed.
- I s a w in the realms of the Spirit a very notable Servant of the living
God, leaving the crowd and standing alone, whilst standing alone, he wished to crossover to the crowd but the dead has nothing to do with the
living. Let’s pray for Senior men of God.
- Isaw in my vision the running mate of the New Patrotic Party will have a lot of Church garments around him.
New Juabeng, they will sell the seat. In the realm of the Spirit theNDC should watch the seat, they can take the seat if they are vigilant.
Madina constituency, in my vision, let the current member of parliament sit up, if not, Isee another person take his place. (Let them sit up saith the Lord)
The NDC should keep an eagle eye on Greater Accra, if not, it will be sold.
The Spirit of the Lord put me into a trance and Isaw a lot of cows and sacrifices amongst the 16 regions. Let the Church pray for the upcoming election because, strange forces have started working.
Something tragic will happen to one of the leading TV kum, Radio personalities.
The spirit of the Lord came upon me and it was election day
December 7th, most of the strong holds of the opposition party had been postponed.
An artificial problem was created for rigging.
Let the opposition party sit up.
- Saith the Lord, the Electoral Commissioner will misbehave, Isaw several press conference by the opposition but she cared less.
Therefore, the destiny of the opposition party is in their own hands and must put their destiny into their hands lawfully.
Whilst looking, Isaw the former President John Mahama very upset.
The upcoming elections as Iwatch in the realms of the Spirit will be more bloody than the last one saith the Lord.
- The Lord said, “A traditional ruler, something that belongs to you has been taken from you.
Let’s pray, in my vision, Isaw men in uniforms and the purpose was to avert the election.
The Lord said, “The Offinso North seat, The Ahafo seat, The Goaso seat, The Tepa area, if the NDC will keep a sharp eye and work harder, the NDC can occupy these seats.
I saw one Eric using men in uniform to subvert the will of God.
- A serious scandal will hit the British Empire
If the NDC will keep a sharp eye, Isaw in the realms of the Spirit, fi they will protect their votes wearing diapers and pampers to the last count, Isaw the NDC winning majority in parliament.
Isaw an entertainment icon saying good bye to the world. Let’s pray for Celine Dion.
I saw in my vision a massive natural disaster in the Philippines.
Europe will enjoy peace.
There will be riot, this will disorder the upcoming election of America. Isaw crowd, Isaw people protesting.
Let’s pray for Donald Trump.
- The Lord Lifted My Spirit 8 Years Ago, I was then in Israel Praying in the King David Continental Hotel in Telavi.
And the Lord Said, “My Servant Nigel,Come, Tell The Nation Of Ghana To Bring Kwame Dramani Back Into Power.
Hence, The NDC, Within the Space Of 8 Years.
Personally, IHave Undergone Serious Attacks, My Church Has Come
Under Serious Attacks, My Family Have Being Subjected To Series Of Attacks.
IHave Been Scandalized, But Consistently, The Lord Keeps Telling Me To
Tell My Nation Ghana.
Infact, This Prophecy, I Have Seen Countless Times.
The Lord Said,| Should Tell The People Of Ghana, Religious Leaders Of Ghana, Students, Marketers, Traditional Rulers And Unions, The Youth In
The Nation Of Ghana.
And There’s An Agenda In This Regime To Avert His Victory. Therefore, Kwame Dramani And All The People Who Matter Must Make Sure The
Needful Is Done.
This General Elections Is For Them and There Are No Two Ways About That.
ISaw That Latest By 9PM, There Wil Be ACall Of Victory For The NDC.
But Let It Be Told And Said, If a Sharp Eye Is Not Kept On The Prize, The Elections Will Be Rigged And What Happened In Nigeria Happen In Ghana.
To The NDC, The Next Election Is For You, But fI You People Slack, It Wil Be Taken Away From You And Nothing Can Be Done About it.
ISaw It, ISaw The NDC Win Majority In Parliament And The Presidential. I saw That The NDC Has Won.
- In the realms of the Spirit, Isaw in the Eastern and Ashanti Region, I
saw in the last part election, some of the agents in the NDC, surrogate to other parties but let the NDC be focused.
Let the NDC focus on Ashanti Region and Eastern belt. Isee a wind.
- Isaw a running mate and the Spirit of the Lord whisked me away to
the Eastern Region, Central Region. Arunning mate, Arunning mate. Isaw the Central Western.
- Isaw a man, S. Awuku go to parliament
Isaw deliberately government institutions on fire.
Iam seeing a very prestigious legends in one of the African Countries saying bye to the world.
I saw some figured journalists under serious attack.
Isaw a problem at the educational sector. Let’s pray for our educational system.
I s e e a Ghanaian industrialist attacked.
I s e e a new political party out doored.
Let’s tighten the security in the Northern belt, the Eastern belt.
Let’s pray for a paramount chief in Ghana. Isee his palanquin fall.
I-saw a Presidential material come from the Eastern Region
I-saw an artist in Ghana in the music industry on an International
Platform. Isaw face-lift in the music industry.
- I Saw in the realms of the Spirit, the Lord took my Spirit to a place like Bole. Bamboi and Isaw that the dead dody of the former President
Kwame Dramani’s father, where the mortal remains sas been tempered
with and it has been used to cast a spell against him to become President.
it is a call of prayer so that the agenda of God concerning Ghana will come to pass.
S a w it!
- The Spirit of the Lord, whisked me to December 7, 2024 and I saw tempered food and drinks and monetary settlements to the agents of the
Various opposition parties.
- Isee the movement of Change occupy some parliamentary seats.
Again, Isay 2024 is our Year Of Change and a good year.
The Lord took me to the prisons, and Isaw some current appointees
in this regime in prison. As a result of that, all attempts will be made to subvert the election.
- I saw a general on the police force, if he can take care of himself, I saw the Lord lift him onto a better place.
50.The Lord whisked my spirit and Iwent to the major roads Accra, Ghana and Isaw a horse clothed in the Ghana Flag,and the NPP Colours.
In the realm of the spirit,I saw that the eyes of the horse,were blue and White.
whilst Iwas Looking,I saw a man on the horse and the man was a Young
I Watched and I looked Closely,I Saw the Four Feet of the horse,Broken,the horse was deaf but kept nickering and Nickering.
And as the horse was Nickering,I saw the elements of Ghana rejecting the horse.
Isaw the Northern Region even walewale even reject this horse and the Lord Said let’s reject this horse.
The Lord Said this horse will be more dangerous than the older Horse
this horse is going to cause despair. Isaw businesses Collapse
Isaw woman gnashing their teeth.
I saw churches closing down.
Isaw horsemen come into our nation.
The Lord Said,We should reject that which sits on this horse,it’s a bad Horse.
I saw It!
- In the year 2024, homosexuality is going to be on the rise
Running into the elections,the topic of homosexuality will become a Major national discussion
The lord Said,I should caution parents and guardians to protect and pray for their children saith the Lord.
- Let’s pray for the Current Pope. Let’s pray for him.
Let’s prays for the movie industry globally, I saw green leaves fall, icons and legendary’s fall to the surprise of the world…
54.Mfanetima”” constituents of the opposition party shld fight more,I see victory.
- Let’s pray for The Nigerian Presidency. Let’s pray for Nigeria.