When the spouse/partner kissing you kisses no one else but you. Your lips are not to be shared
When after the kiss you are told “I love you”. Love is the reason for the kissing
When the spouse/partner kissing you treats you well. The kisses are sweetest when your heart is taken care of
When the kiss is unexpected and unplanned. You are in the middle of a conversation and get kissed, or he/she creeps from behind and plants a kiss on you
When you’re kissed back. It is possible to kiss your spouse/partner but you feel he/she is not engaged. One-sided kisses are heartbreaking
When you get kissed not just when sex is the agenda
When your spouse/partner knows the right place to touch while kissing you and with the right pressure; either your face, neck, back, waist or fingers
When you are kissed for long, no rush
When you are kissed often. You know your spouse/partner is addicted to your lips and longs for your kisses
When each time you two tongue kiss, it is not messy
When the kiss is playful. Your spouse/partner gently bites your lower lip, then your upper. Then he/she relaxes and you do something adventurous. There is a rhythm
When loving words are exchanged in between kisses
When you are kissed for no special occasion
When after the kiss, you look in the eyes of your spouse/partner and fall in love afresh