It hurts a man when his wife speaks to other people with more respect and warmth than she does with him
It hurts a man when his wife treats him well only when there are visitors
It hurts a man when his wife makes him feel less important to the children just because he doesn’t have a womb
It hurts a man when he is always the one to say sorry even for the things he is not wrong for just because she is emotionally delicate
It hurts a man when the wife airs their dirty linen in public, telling her family and friends his flaws and tainting his image
It hurts a man when the wife is ever moody, unapproachable, cold and combative, making him feel uncomfortable to come home early
It hurts a man when he watches his wife smiling and blushing when she reads text messages from other men over the phone but brushes him off and assumes his presence
It hurts a man when the wife is distant, spiteful, not responsive to his touch, mad and not telling him what she is mad for
It hurts a man when the wife keeps getting confusing advice from her friends, outsiders and third parties are wrecking what belongs to two
It hurts a man when the wife sees nothing else but his negatives. She rarely appreciates his good
It hurts a man when the wife does not move past a resolved issue. She is stuck in matters that they agreed to progress from
It hurts a man when the wife speaks to him with a tone as if to boss him, order him around or belittle him
It hurts a man when the wife doesn’t honour him or his effort just because he doesn’t earn that much
It hurts a man when the wife uses him to get a comfortable life but then she turns to another man for emotional and sexual comfort .