Don’t ignore your wife the whole day, and expect her to be warm towards you at night
Don’t shout at your husband and speak to him with disrespect and a tough tone, and expect he will enjoy talking with you
Don’t be so guarded with your phone and expect your spouse not to be suspicious
Don’t be dramatic in your demeanor and expect your spouse will enjoy going out on dates with you
Don’t cheat or make your spouse think you are cheating and expect him/her to easily have sex with you
Don’t veer away from God and expect your marriage will be exceedingly blessed
Don’t judge your spouse and keep reminding your spouse of their wrongs and expect your spouse will be confiding in you about their unpleasant truths and struggles
Don’t turn down your spouse’s sexual advances repeatedly and expect your spouse will still desire you and pursue you
Don’t mistreat your spouse in public and expect your spouse will enjoy being around you with others
Don’t be reckless with finances and expect your spouse to trust you in financial decision making
Don’t keep ignoring your spouse’s requests for you to change and think your spouse will keep caring. Soon, your spouse will let you be and do you, after growing tired
Don’t be mean to your spouse and expect your spouse to see God’s love through you. Do you minister to your spouse in how you handle him/her especially in difficult times?
Don’t keep repeating the same mistakes and think your spouse will not start feeling taken for granted
Don’t push away your spouse and act like you don’t need help and think your spouse will keep forcing themselves to be there for you
Don’t speak anyhow to your spouse especially when angry and think your spouse will feel loved