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SHOCKING: Baby Girl Born Pregnant with Twins
A baby born in Hong Kong was carrying her own siblings at the time of the child’s birth, according to a recent report on the infant’s case.
The condition known as fetus-in-fetu, which affects the newborn, is exceedingly rare, occurring in only about 1 in every 500,000 births. It’s uncertain exactly why it happens.
“Weird things happen early, early in the pregnancy that we just don’t understand,” said Draion Burch, an obstetrician and gynecologist in Pittsburgh. This is one of those medical mysteries.
A tiny fetus found inside an infant is viewed by the World Health Organization as a form of tumor, or teratoma, as opposed to a fetus that is routinely developing.
The doctors who cared for the baby girl hypothesized in their report that the tiny fetuses might actually be the remains of sibling twins that were absorbed during the pregnancy rather than a teratoma.
I failed the test.
The newborn infant was taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong to see Dr. Yu Kai-man, an obstetrician and gynecologist, because it was suspected that the infant might have a growth.
The exact nature of the mass that the mother’s prenatal scan had found inside the child was unknown to the medical professionals.
During the procedure, which was carried out when the girl was about 3 weeks old, two embryos were discovered between her liver and her kidney.
The case report states that the weights of the fetuses, which correspond to approximately 8 and 10 weeks of gestation, were 0.3 ounces (9.3 grams) for one and 0.5 ounces (14.2 grams) for the other.
An umbilical cord connected to what looked to be a placenta in the girl’s abdomen was attached to each infant.
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