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Jesus died for people in his era, not for me – Kyiri Abosom
According to him, also, contrary to fundamental Christian belief, Jesus died for those who lived during his era only and not the current one.
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The leader of the Ghana Union Movement, Christian Kwabena Andrews, popularly known as Osofo Kyiri Abosom, has explained the reason behind the huge congregation he leads.
The politician, who also shepherds the Life Assembly Worship Centre in Darkuman, Accra, spoke in an interview with Kwame Dwomoh-Agyemang on the Class Morning Show, Monday, 29 April 2024, and revealed he does not follow the Bible.
He said: “I don’t follow Bible. I believe that the Bible is a history. Bible don’t have power that we should depend on.
“It is the result of what God did. It is not the word of God. That person who wrote those things, how would you know it’s from God? But since God is alive, he should speak to me.
God did something through somebody that is written. Right now God is alive, why can’t he speak to us? God is alive so let’s listen to him directly than going to read about something that somebody wrote.”
The Life Assembly Worship Centre leader stressed why he has a huge congregation, noting: “Things that I am doing is different from other pastors that is why people [listen] me, because if I’m doing the same thing that they’re doing, I would be at the same level as they are.”
He indicated he only reads the Bible to “compare it to give examples to people,” as he is of the opinion things written in the Bible are meant for those who lived during the Bible era.
According to him, also, contrary to fundamental Christian belief, Jesus died for those who lived during his era only and not the current one.
“As we keep saying Jesus died for us, when Jesus died I was not alive, he died for people under his era but not me,” Kyiri Abosom said.
“What I know is that Jesus too was a servant that I’ve heard of.
I was not [a] witness to all those things so what I [am] basing on is that me and you that we’re alive. I respect [the] thing you tell me than what is in the Bible,” he added.