According to Captain Smart, in most instances that this happens, the woman later finds someone who is of her own educational level to marry and leaves the man behind.
He said if a man is paying for a woman to be educated, he should simply accept that he is doing it out of his own goodness. But if he’s doing it believing that he would later marry the lady then he’s going to be disappointed.
In recent times, there have been numerous news stories about women who dated men who worked to pay their entire school fees, and then later, when they graduated, they dumped the men to be with someone of their own ‘age’ and ‘class’.
Captain Smart said that in this modern world, if the same thing happens to you, then you only have yourself to blame.
Smart’s take sparked opposing reactions, with some praising him for being right while others slammed the take as completely wrong.
“When you are helping a woman make sure you build yourself as a man. They will leave you for the men they think fit them,” one user said.
Another wrote: “That’s a big lie not all ladies are like that …. So who do you want to invest in a lady so you come and marry her?”